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Legals mentions

Registered office is edited by 4i INTERNATIONAL SASU, with share capital of € 1,000, registered office at :
302 rue de la Mousserie
59710 Mérignies
registered at CCI of Lille under the Siret number 812 302 461 00015 APE 7022Z

Provider informations

The website is hosted by, SAS with capital of € 10,000,000, registered at CCI of Roubaix – Tourcoing under the number 424 761 419 00045, with registered office at :
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Terms of Use – Disclaimer

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The elements of this website are provided as general information only and can not be the basis for any transaction. In particular, as regards the financial information that may be provided on this site, the only reference documents are the one registered in CCI Lille Métropole.
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4i INTERNATIONAL not in any way guarantee uninterrupted access to this site as well as site security and the absence of any virus or other unwanted guests (including elements of the site and the information are incorporated). The use of elements of the site and any information included therein as well as access to this site is the sole responsibility of the user.
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Service Communication
302 rue de la Mousserie,
59710 Mérignies